
This document outlines the required hardware components necessary to successfully install and operate a SecureDrop instance, and recommends some specific components that we have found to work well. If you have any questions, please email securedrop@freedom.press.

Hardware Overview

For an installation of SecureDrop, you must acquire:

  • 2 computers with memory and hard drives to use as the SecureDrop servers.

  • Mouse, keyboard, monitor (and necessary dongle or adapter) for installing the servers.

  • At least 2 dedicated physical computers that can boot to Tails: one computer for the Secure Viewing Station, and one or more computers for the Admin Workstation(s)/Journalist Workstation(s).

  • Dedicated airgapped hardware for the mouse, keyboard, and monitor (only if you are using a desktop for the Secure Viewing Station).

  • A dedicated network firewall with at least 4 NICs.

  • At least 3 ethernet cables.

  • Plenty of USB sticks: 1 drive for the Template Tails stick, 1 drive for each Secure Viewing Station, 1 drive for each Transfer Device, 1 drive for each Export Device, and 1 drive for each admin and journalist.

Additionally, you may want to consider the following purchases:

  • a printer without wireless network support, to use in combination with the Secure Viewing Station.

  • an external hard drive to expand the storage capacity of the Secure Viewing Station.

  • an external hard drive for server backups.

  • a USB drive to store backups of your Tails workstation drives.

  • a security key for HOTP authentication, such as a YubiKey, if you want to use hardware-based two-factor authentication instead of a mobile app.

  • a USB drive with a physical write protection switch, or a USB write blocker, if you want to mitigate the risk of introducing malware from your network to your Secure Viewing Station during repeated use of an Export Device.

  • CD-R/DVD-R writers, if you want to use CD-Rs/DVD-Rs as transfer or export media, and a CD shredder that can destroy media consistent with your threat model.

In the sections that follow, we provide additional details on most of these items.


While a printer is not required, we highly recommend it. Printing documents is generally far safer than copying them in digital form. See our guide to working with documents for more information.

Advice for users on a tight budget

If you cannot afford to purchase new hardware for your SecureDrop instance, we encourage you to consider re-purposing existing hardware to use with SecureDrop. If you are comfortable working with hardware, this is a great way to set up a SecureDrop instance for cheap.

Since SecureDrop’s throughput is significantly limited by the use of Tor for all connections, there is no need to use top of the line hardware for any of the servers or the firewall. In our experience, relatively recent recycled Dell desktops or servers are adequate for the SecureDrop servers, and recycled ThinkPad laptops work well for the Admin Workstation/Journalist Workstation.

Please note that very old laptops or desktops may not work for the workstations. Since the release of Tails 3.0, 32-bit computers are no longer supported.

If you choose to use recycled hardware, you should of course consider whether or not it is trustworthy; making that determination is outside the scope of this document.

Required Hardware


These are the core components of a SecureDrop instance.

  • Application Server: 1 physical server to run the SecureDrop web services.

  • Monitor Server: 1 physical server which monitors activity on the Application Server and sends email notifications to an admin.

  • Network Firewall: 1 physical computer that is used as a dedicated firewall for the SecureDrop servers.

An acceptable alternative that requires more technical expertise is to configure an existing hardware firewall.

We are often asked if it is acceptable to run SecureDrop on cloud servers (e.g. Amazon EC2, DigitalOcean, etc.) or on dedicated servers in third-party datacenters instead of on dedicated hardware hosted in the organization. This request is generally motivated by a desire for cost savings and/or convenience. However: we consider it critical to have dedicated physical machines hosted within the organization for both technical and legal reasons:

  • While the documents are stored encrypted at rest (via PGP) on the SecureDrop Application Server, the documents hit server memory unencrypted (unless the source used the GPG key provided to encrypt the documents first before submitting), and are then encrypted in server memory before being written to disk. If the machines are compromised then the security of source material uploaded from that point on cannot be assured. The machines are hardened to prevent compromise for this reason. However, if an attacker has physical access to the servers either because the dedicated servers are located in a datacenter or because the servers are not dedicated and may have another virtual machine co-located on the same server, then the attacker may be able to compromise the machines. In addition, cloud servers are trivially accessible and manipulable by the provider that operates them. In the context of SecureDrop, this means that the provider could access extremely sensitive information, such as the plaintext of submissions or the encryption keys used to identify and access the onion services.

  • In addition, attackers with legal authority such as law enforcement agencies may (depending on the jurisdiction) be able to compel physical access, potentially with a gag order attached, meaning that the third party hosting your servers or VMs may be legally unable to tell you that law enforcement has been given access to your SecureDrop servers.

One of the core goals of SecureDrop is to avoid the potential compromise of sources through the compromise of third-party communications providers. Therefore, we consider the use of virtualization for production instances of SecureDrop to be an unacceptable compromise and do not support it. Instead, dedicated servers should be hosted in a physically secure location in the organization itself. While it is technically possible to modify SecureDrop’s automated installation process to work on virtualized servers (for example, we do so to support our CI pipeline), doing so in order to run it on cloud servers is at your own risk and without our support or consent.


These components are necessary to do the initial installation of SecureDrop and to process submissions using the air-gapped workflow.

Secure Viewing Station (SVS)

1 physical computer used as an air-gap to decrypt and view submissions retrieved from the Application Server.

The chosen hardware should be solely used for this purpose and should have any wireless networking hardware removed before use.

Admin/Journalist Workstation(s)

At least 1 physical computer that is used as a workstation for SecureDrop admins and/or journalists.

Each Admin and Journalist will have their own bootable Tails USB with an encrypted persistent partition that they will use to access SecureDrop. You will need at least one workstation to boot the Tails USBs, and may need more depending on: the number of admins/journalists you wish to grant access to SecureDrop, whether they can share the same workstation due to availability requirements, geographic distribution, etc.

USB Drive(s)

At least 2 USB drives to use as a bootable Tails USB for the SVS and the Admin Workstation/Journalist Workstation.

If only one person is maintaining the system, you may use the same Tails instance as both the Admin Workstation and the Journalist Workstation; otherwise, we recommend buying 1 drive for each admin and each journalist.

We also recommend buying an additional USB drive for making regular backups of your Tails workstations.

One thing to consider is that you are going to have a lot of USB drives to keep track of, so you should consider how you will label or identify them and buy drives accordingly. Drives that are physically larger are often easier to label (e.g. with tape, printed sticker or a label from a labelmaker).

Two-factor Device

Two-factor authentication is used when connecting to different parts of the SecureDrop system. Each admin and each journalist needs a two-factor device. We currently support two options for two-factor authentication:

  • Your existing smartphone with an app that computes TOTP codes (e.g. FreeOTP for Android and for iOS).

  • A dedicated hardware dongle that computes HOTP codes (e.g. a YubiKey).


We recommend using FreeOTP (available for Android and for iOS) to generate two-factor codes because it is Free Software. However, if it does not work for you for any reason, alternatives exist:

Transfer Device(s) and Export Device(s)

Journalists need physical media (known as the Transfer Device) to transfer encrypted submissions from the Journalist Workstation to the Secure Viewing Station, to decrypt and view them there. If they deem a submission to be newsworthy, they may need physical media (known as the Export Device) to copy it to their everyday workstation.

Our standard recommendation is to use USB drives, in combination with volume-level encryption and careful data hygiene. Our documentation, including the journalist guide, is based on this approach. We also urge the use of a secure printer or similar analog conversions to export documents from the Secure Viewing Station, whenever possible.

You may want to consider enforcing write protection on USB drives when only read access is needed, or you may want to implement a workflow based on CD-Rs or DVD-Rs instead. We encourage you to evaluate these options in the context of your own threat model.

Please find some notes regarding each of these methods below, and see our recommendations in the setup guide for additional background.

USB drives

We recommend using one or multiple designated USB drives as the Transfer Device(s), and one or multiple designated USB drives as the Export Device(s). Whether one or multiple drives are appropriate depends on the number of journalists accessing the system, and on whether the team is distributed or not.

Our documentation explains how the Transfer Device can be encrypted using LUKS, and how the Export Device can be encrypted using VeraCrypt (which works across platforms). We have not evaluated hardware-based encryption options; if you do select a hardware solution, make sure that both devices work in Tails, and that the Export Device also works on the operating system(s) used by journalists accessing the Secure Viewing Station.

USB drives with write protection (optional)

When it is consistently applied and correctly implemented in hardware, write protection can prevent the spread of malware from the computers used to read files stored on a Transfer Device or an Export Device.

It is especially advisable to enable write protection before attaching an Export Device to an everyday workstation that lacks the security protections of the Tails operating system. For defense in depth, you may also want to enable write protection before attaching a Transfer Device to the Secure Viewing Station.

The two main options to achieve write protection of USB drives are:

  • drives with a built-in physical write protection switch

  • a separate USB write blocker device as used in forensic applications.

DVD-Rs or CD-Rs

Single-use, write-once media can be used to realize a transfer and export workflow that is always one-directional: files are transferred to the Secure Viewing Station and the media used to do so are destroyed; files are exported from the Secure Viewing Station and the media used to do so are destroyed.

If you want to realize such a workflow, we recommend purchasing separate drives for each computer that will write to or read from the media, to minimize the risks from malware compromising any one drive’s firmware.

You will also need a stack of blank DVD/CD-Rs, which you can buy anywhere, and a method to securely destroy media after use. Depending on your threat model, this can be very expensive; a cheap shredder can be purchased for less than $50, while shredders designed for use in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs) sell for as much as $3,000.

Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

You will need these to do the initial installation of Ubuntu on the Application and Monitor Servers.

Depending on your setup, you may also need these to work on the SVS.

Optional Hardware

This hardware is not required to run a SecureDrop instance, but most of it is still recommended.

Offline Printer

We highly recommend purchasing a printer for your Secure Viewing Station and using it as the preferred method to make copies of documents received via SecureDrop.

By printing a submission, even a non-technical user can effectively mitigate many of the complex risks associated with malware or hidden metadata embedded in files received via SecureDrop. Your organization may also already have robust procedures in place for destroying sensitive printed documents.


To maintain the integrity of the air-gap, this printer should be dedicated to use with the Secure Viewing Station, connected via a wired connection, and should not have any wireless communication capabilities.

While printing is notable for what it strips away, it is also important to remember what it preserves: QR codes or links that journalists may scan or type in; printer tracking information included in a scanned document; other visually encoded information. See the Risks From Malware section in the Journalist Guide for further guidance on this subject.

Offline Storage

The SVS is booted from a Tails USB drive, which has an encrypted persistent volume but typically has a fairly limited storage capacity since it’s just a USB drive. For installations that expect to receive a large volume of submissions, we recommend buying an external hard drive that can be used to store submissions that have been transferred from the Application Server to the SVS.


Like all storage media associated with SecureDrop, this drive should be encrypted and protected with a secure passphrase. We recommend using the tools built into Tails to encrypt the drive using LUKS.

If you are planning to use hardware RAID and/or hardware-based encryption, we recommend that you research Tails compatibility before a procurement decision.

Backup Storage

It’s useful to run periodic backups of the servers in case of failure. We recommend buying an external hard drive to store server backups.

Because this drive will be connected to the Admin Workstation to perform backups, it should not be the same drive used for Offline Storage.


Like all storage media associated with SecureDrop, this drive should be encrypted and protected with a secure passphrase. We recommend using the tools built into Tails to encrypt the drive using LUKS.

If you are planning to use hardware RAID and/or hardware-based encryption, we recommend that you research Tails compatibility before a procurement decision.

Labeling Equipment

As you have probably noticed by now, a SecureDrop installation has a plethora of components. Some of these components can be hard to tell apart; for example, if you buy 3 of the same brand of USB sticks to use for the Admin Workstation, Journalist Workstation, and Secure Viewing Station, they will be indistinguishable from each other unless you label them. We recommend buying some labeling equipment up front so you can label each component as you provision it during the installation process.

There is a multitude of options for labeling equipment. We’ve had good results with small portable labelmakers, such as the Brother P-Touch PT-210 or the Epson LabelWorks LW-300. We like them because they produce crisp, easy-to-read labels, and it’s easy to customize the size of the label’s text, which is great for clearly labeling both large components (like computers) and small components (like USB sticks).

If you do not have a label maker available but have an inkjet printer available to you, it may also be possible to print and cut out labels using adhesive-backed paper and some scissors. These are some labels designed by our team which may be used for labeling:


SecureBoot is a feature available on most systems that, when enabled, does not allow any operating system to boot that has not been signed by a trusted key. By only booting to operating systems that are properly signed, you can be sure that the OS itself has not been corrupted or tampered with, at least at the boot level.

While preparing your hardware for a SecureDrop installation, you will want to make sure SecureBoot is enabled for the Workstations, and disabled for the Servers.

For instructions on how to enable or disable the SecureBoot feature for your device, please consult the manufacturer’s manual for BIOS settings, as they differ for each make and model.

SecureBoot for Workstations

The Secure Viewing Station, Admin Workstation, and Journalist Workstation should all have SecureBoot enabled.

Some systems, including recent ThinkPads, require you to specifically enable the Third-Party UEFI Certificate Authority within the SecureBoot settings to boot to Tails. If your system has SecureBoot enabled but is not booting to the device you select in the boot menu, go to the BIOS settings and look for the Third-Party CA Option.

On ThinkPads, this can be found within the BIOS by going to Security ▸ SecureBoot ▸ Allow Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA, and setting the switch to the on position.

SecureBoot for Servers

SecureBoot must be disabled on the server hardware. During the installation, SecureDrop installs a hardened, security-focused version of the Linux kernel (grsec) that does not support SecureBoot. If SecureBoot is enabled on either of the servers during the install, you will receive a pre-install error reminding you that it must be turned off before the installation can proceed.

Specific Hardware Recommendations

Application and Monitor Servers

We recommend using NUCs for the servers and routinely test new models for compatibility. NUCs (“Next Unit of Computing”) are comparatively inexpensive, compact, quiet, and low-power devices, which makes them suitable for deployment in a wide range of environments. Originally produced by Intel, ASUS has taken over production beginning with the 13th generation.

There are a variety of models to choose from. We currently recommend the 11th through 13th generation NUC models listed below.


If using non-recommended hardware, ensure you remove as much extraneous hardware as physically possible from your servers. This could include: speakers, cameras, microphones, fingerprint readers, wireless, and Bluetooth cards.

NUCs typically come as kits, and some assembly is required. You will need to purchase the RAM and hard drive separately for each NUC and insert both into the NUC before it can be used. We recommend:

  • 2x 240GB SSDs (2.5” or M.2, depending on your choice of kit)

  • 1x memory kit of compatible 2x8GB sticks - You can put one 8GB memory stick in each of the servers.

13th-gen NUC

We have tested and can recommend the ASUS NUC13ANHi5. It provides two M.2 SSD storage options: a 22x80 port for an NVMe drive, and a 22x42 port for a SATA drive. It also has a 2.5 inch drive bay for a SATA hard drive or SSD (if using this slot, we recommend choosing an SSD).

The NUC13’s AX211 wireless hardware is removable. Doing so requires the use of a 5mm nut driver. Before installation of the RAM and storage, we recommend that you remove the wireless card and disconnect the wireless antennae leads from the AX211 component. Be sure to cover the free ends with electrical tape after disconnecting them.


The location of the wireless card within the NUC13


The wireless card is located underneath the 22x80 NVMe port

Because of the newer hardware and the drivers required, you will need to use a newer Linux kernel than the one that ships by default in the version of Ubuntu Server we recommend. To do so, select the “Boot and Install with the HWE Kernel” option in the boot menu for Ubuntu Server.

12th-gen NUC

We have tested and can recommend the NUC12WSKi5. It provides two M.2 SSD storage options: a 22x80 port for an NVMe drive, and a 22x42 port for a SATA drive.

The NUC12’s AX211 wireless hardware is removable. Doing so requires the use of a 5mm nut driver. Before installation of the RAM and storage, we recommend that you remove the wireless card and disconnect the wireless antennae leads from the AX211 component. Be sure to cover the free ends with electrical tape after disconnecting them.


The location of the wireless card within the NUC12

Because of the newer hardware and the drivers required, you will need to use a newer Linux kernel than the one that ships by default in the version of Ubuntu Server we recommend. To do so, select the “Boot and Install with the HWE Kernel” option in the boot menu for Ubuntu Server.

11th-gen NUC

We have tested and can recommend the Intel NUC11PAHi3. It provides two storage options: M.2 SSD storage and a 2.5” secondary storage option (SSD or HDD).

The NUC11’s AX201 wireless hardware is not removable. Before installation of the RAM and storage, we recommend that you disconnect the wireless antennae leads from the AX201 component. They’re the black wires highlighted in the red box in the picture. Cover the free ends with electrical tape after disconnecting them.

NUC11 leads

Before the initial OS installation, boot into the BIOS by pressing F2 at startup and adjust the system configuration:

  • Under Advanced ▸ Onboard Devices, disable all onboard devices other than LAN: HD audio, microphone, Thunderbolt, WLAN, Bluetooth, SD card controller, and enhanced consumer infrared.

  • Under Boot ▸ Secure Boot, disable Secure Boot using the drop-down menu.


Unlike some previous generation NUCs we recommended, the NUC11PAHi3 does not support SGX. However, if you use a different type of 11th generation NUC that does have SGX support, disable it under Security ▸ Security Features, as it is not used by SecureDrop but may be targeted by active CPU exploits.

10th-gen NUC

We previously recommended the NUC10i5FNH, however it is now end-of-life so we recommend replacing it with a version that the manufacturer supports. While SecureDrop will most likely continue working in the short-term, we will no longer be testing on this hardware. The instructions below are included only for reference and will be removed in the near future.

The NUC10’s AX201 wireless hardware is not removable. Before installation of the RAM and storage, we recommend that you disconnect the wireless antennae leads from the AX201 component. They’re the black and gray wires highlighted in the red box in the picture. Cover the free ends with electrical tape after disconnecting them.

NUC10 leads

Before the initial OS installation, boot into the BIOS by pressing F2 at startup and adjust the system configuration:

  • Under Advanced ▸ Onboard Devices, disable all onboard devices other than LAN: HD audio, microphone, Thunderbolt, WLAN, Bluetooth, SD card controller, and enhanced consumer infrared.

  • Under Security ▸ Security Features, disable SGX support, which is not used by SecureDrop and may be targeted by active CPU exploits.

  • Under Boot ▸ Secure Boot, uncheck the Secure Boot checkbox.

8th-gen NUC

We previously recommended the NUC8i5BEK, however it is now end-of-life so we recommend replacing it with a version that the manufacturer supports. While SecureDrop will most likely continue working in the short-term, we will no longer be testing on this hardware.

7th-gen NUC

We previously recommended the NUC7i5BNH, however it is now end-of-life so we recommend replacing it with a version that the manufacturer supports. While SecureDrop will most likely continue working in the short-term, we will no longer be testing on this hardware.

Journalist Workstation and Admin Workstation

Both the Journalist Workstation and the Admin Workstation must be compatible with the Tails operating system. Compare any hardware you want to procure or allocate for this purpose against the list of known issues maintained by the Tails project, but please be advised that the list is far from exhaustive.

We advise against using Macs, as there are many Tails compatibility issues both with older and with newer models. Instead, we recommend the ThinkPad T series. The ThinkWiki is an excellent, independently maintained resource for verifying general Linux compatibility of almost any ThinkPad model.

For any Tails workstation, we recommend at least 8GB of RAM.

Secure Viewing Station (SVS)

The Secure Viewing Station is a machine that is kept offline and only ever used together with the Tails operating system. This machine will be used to generate the GPG keys used by SecureDrop to encrypt submissions, as well as decrypt and view submissions. Since this machine will never touch the Internet or run an operating system other than Tails, it does not need a hard drive or network device; in fact, we recommend removing these components if they are already present.

As with the workstations, one good option is to buy a Linux-compatible laptop from the Lenovo ThinkPad T series. We have tested the T420 and successfully removed the wireless components with ease. It’s possible to re-purpose old laptops from other manufacturers, as long as the wireless components are removable.

Just as with the servers, you can also use a NUC for the SVS. As noted before, NUCs do not ship with a hard drive, and older models can be configured without any wireless components. However, NUCs do contain an IR receiver, which we recommend taping over with opaque masking tape.

If you choose to use a NUC, you must use a model that offers wireless as an option (described as something like M.2 22×30 slot and wireless antenna pre-assembled (for wireless card support)). If a model is advertised as having “integrated wireless” (most newer NUC models), this means the wireless components are not physically removable, and these machines are not a suitable choice for the SVS.

Tails USBs

We strongly recommend getting USB 3.0-compatible drives to run Tails from. The transfer speeds are significantly faster than USB 2.0, which means a live operating system booting from one will be much faster and more responsive.

You will need at least an 8GB drive to run Tails with an encrypted persistent partition. We recommend getting something in the 16-64GB range so you can handle large amounts of submissions without hassle. Anything more than that is probably overkill.

Transfer Device(s) and Export Device(s)

For USB drives with physical write protection, we have tested the Kanguru SS3 on Tails, and it works well with and without encryption.

If you want to use a setup based on CD-Rs or DVD-Rs, we’ve found the CDR/DVD writers from Samsung and LG to work reasonably well; you can find some examples here.

Please see our recommendations in the setup guide for additional background.

Network Firewall

We recommend a 4 NIC network firewall and currently provide setup instructions for pfSense and OPNSense. Suitable models include:


Careful consideration should be given to the printer used with the SVS. Most printers today have wireless functionality (WiFi or Bluetooth connectivity) which should be avoided because it could be used to compromise the air-gap.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find printers that work with Tails, and it is increasingly difficult to find non-wireless printers at all. To assist you, we have compiled the following partial list of air-gap-safe printers that have been tested and are known to work with Tails:

Printer Model

Testing Date

Tails Versions

Printer Type

HP DeskJet F4200



Color Inkjet

HP DeskJet 1112



Color Inkjet

HP DeskJet 1110



Color Inkjet

HP LaserJet 400 M401n



Monochrome Laser

HP DeskJet 6940



Monochrome Inkjet


We’ve documented both the HP DeskJet F4200 and HP LaserJet 400 M401n with screenshots of the installation process, in our section on Setting Up a Printer in Tails. While the F4200 installed automatically, the 400 M401n required that we set “Make and model” to “HP LaserJet 400 CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.9” when manually configuring the drivers.

If you know of another model of printer that fits our requirements and works with Tails, please submit a pull request to add it to this list.

Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

We don’t have anything specific to recommend when it comes to displays. You should make sure you know what monitor cable you need for the servers, since you will need to connect them to a monitor to do the initial Ubuntu installation.

You should use a wired (USB) keyboard and mouse, not wireless.

Hardware End-of-Life

No matter what hardware you decide to use, it’s important to be mindful of how long it will continue to receive security updates. Given the security requirements for a SecureDrop instance, any hardware that is no longer receiving security updates from the manufacturer will become more and more vulnerable over time. Once your hardware has reached its end-of-life (EOL), we recommend upgrading to newer, supported hardware.

For the hardware we recommend, you can find a list of end-of-life dates below:


End-of-Life (EOL)


Not yet confirmed

Intel NUC12WSKi5

Not yet confirmed

Intel NUC11PAHi3

June 30, 2025

Intel NUC10i5FNH

June 25, 2024

Intel NUC8i5BEK

March 26, 2024

Intel NUC7i5BNH

April 30, 2023

Thinkpad T420 (SVS)

Already EOL; use only for airgapped SVS

Thinkpad T Series

EOL dates vary; consult with manufacturer

TekLager APU4D4

Not yet confirmed

Netgate SG-4100

Not yet confirmed (will be 2 years after sales stop)

Netgate SG-6100

Not yet confirmed (will be 2 years after sales stop)